Our Partners

Monaco :
Since 2020, the UNESCO Chair ‘Study of doping and analysis of anti-doping policies’ has been able to count on the support of the Government of Monaco. In accordance with UNESCO's International Convention against Doping in Sport, the Department of External Relations and Cooperation is contributing to social science research on doping through an ‘Anti-Doping Research Prize’, worth 10,000 euros, to be awarded to a student enrolled in the Master 2 course attached to the Chair for the production of a university research paper.

We would particularly like to thank H.E. Ambassador Anne-Marie BOISBOUVIER, Permanent Delegate of the Principality of Monaco to UNESCO, for her support.
The colleagues from a number of universities have supported the Chair request. We thank them.




France :

Mozambique :


We thank the actors involved in the fight against doping who have supported the Chair request. They come from the following countries:

  • Algeria
  • Brazil
  • Spain
  • France
  • Madagascar
  • Mozambique
  • Philippines
  • Singapore
  • Chad

Updated on 11 mars 2025